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Facebook Login for Mobile Site | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Mark Jan 26 '14

I have the Facebook login and contact importer working for FB and Google on the main site and I love it!

The mobile site gives an icon option to do a FB login so my question is... Is there a plugin to allow for Facebook login on the mobile site? Am I missing something here?

Thanks for the help!

Daisy Team
Daisy Jan 27 '14
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 27 '14
facebook connect works with mobile if updated to the newest version 
Mark Jan 27 '14

Thank you Kieron. I just checked my server and it shows the Facebook Connect update folder is number 7145. I went to the store and checked the download and it is 7145. This makes me think I have the latest version. Using a Lumia 1520 Windows phone I can load the oxwall mobile site version but when I click on the facebook connect icon the path just shows /# and nothing happens. I also can open the mobile site on my desktop and when I click the Facebook connect button I get the same result. The thing is working sweet in the full size version of the oxwall site. Any ideas what I might have done wrong here would be appreciated very much indeed.

The code below shows the difference between the full site and the mobile site. The only difference really is the href="#" on the mobile code but not on the full site code. On click would this not return to top of page or same page?

Mobile Site Code Below:

<div class="owm_std_margin_top">
    <div class="owm_btn_wide">
    <a class="owm_fb_btn" href="#" onclick="OW_FB.login(); return false;">
        <span>Log in with Facebook</span>

Full Site Code Below:

<div class="connect_button_list">
    <a class="fb_button fb_button_medium" onclick="OW_FB.login(); return false;">
    <span class="fb_connect_wrap"><span class="fb_button_text">Connect</span></span>

If it helps you can go to the mobile site at: probty.com/community

The Forum post is edited by Mark Jan 27 '14
namrekan Oct 25 '14
Please, how this issue has been fixed ? Me, i don't even have the facebook button on mobile version. Yours is great !

Thank you for answer.

ross Team
ross Oct 26 '14
Do you have FB connect plugin installed, namrekan?
namrekan Oct 27 '14
Yes, all is functionnal, i was just wondering if i could have this wonderful thing on the mobile version like Mark's website. Is there a way ?

I just add something : i'm still on 1.6.0 from the day you saved my website, could it be a problem ?

The Forum post is edited by namrekan Oct 27 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 27 '14
Yes, this feature been added since 1.7.0 version, you need to update your software to the latest version. 
namrekan Nov 2 '14
Thank you, i will see
ross Team
ross Nov 2 '14
Alright, keep us updated. 
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
Namrkean, I believe you have some page first, like newsfeed, which is not visible for guest, which is why your guest are redirected to the sign-in form. Please check whether your browser has javascript enabled. 
namrekan Nov 12 '14
Hi, thank you for the information but i haven't understood what you said : it's my objective that the users can't see the newsfeed first.

For the update, i think i won't do anything : if you remember, i have some custom code and i don't want to lose it ;) like the css (background, customized facebook button...).

Is there another way ?

And will the update will modify the files in facebook plugin ? Cuz i don't remember what i've done to make this little thing functionnal.

The Forum post is edited by namrekan Nov 12 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 12 '14
Disregard my message about newsfeed and redirect. Just make sure you have javascript enabled in your browser. 
namrekan Nov 18 '14
Sure it has, I don't understand the problem. Would I have missed something ?
ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14
Namrekan, have you updated your software version from 1.6?
namrekan Nov 24 '14
No, I'm still on 1.6.

I just saw that you're about to pass on 1.7.2 :)

ross Team
ross Nov 24 '14
As we said earlier, this feature has been added since 1.7 version you need to upgrade your software.