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User menu won't unfold | Forum

Ole Kyr
Ole Kyr Jan 29 '14
In the right top corner. When i hover over the user menu it does not unfold. Sometimes it does but most of the times it does nothing.  I can see here in the forum. It works perfectly. 

I have a fresh install 1.6 oxwall installation.



ross Team
ross Jan 29 '14
Provide your domain name, please?
Ole Kyr
Ole Kyr Jan 29 '14

User:   tuser

pw:     Oxwall123

ross Team
ross Jan 29 '14
Ole, which plugins have you installed on your website?
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 29 '14
i can confirm the console item Notifications will not dropdown but the item with the users name and link to profile works 
Ole Kyr
Ole Kyr Jan 29 '14

Newsfeed - Friends - Activity notifications - Image Slideshow - Groups - Links - Photo - Video - Events - Instant Chat - Birthdays 


ross Team
ross Jan 29 '14
Alright PM me your admin and CPanel access details? We'll take a closer look at the issue. 
Ole Kyr
Ole Kyr Jan 31 '14
sent to your PM. No body else have this problem?
ross Team
ross Feb 2 '14
Ole, we need Control Panel access details as well. Keep us updated. 
Ole Kyr
Ole Kyr Feb 3 '14
Control Panel access ?? It is a local server
ross Team
ross Feb 4 '14
answered you in PM
Ole Kyr
Ole Kyr Feb 5 '14
"answer: IT's because it is a Windows server ???" This meens that everyone that are running it on a windows machine has this problem or what.

ross Team
ross Feb 5 '14
I did not say that. Please do not set apart things from my reply. 

Apparently, the issue is related to the server (Windows). We use standard function php uniqid(). For some reason your server does not generate unique values. Probably the reason is the server cache. We can't do anything about it as this is a standard php function. 

You need to fix it first.