Hello Everyone,
RE: Updating to 1.6
Please read this top to bottom one time before you start so you know what to expect..
Today we went through and updated our test oxwall site to 1.6.0 and we really had no issues other than very minor ones which can easily be fixed. Here is the process we followed.
We had no real issues with site down time, took us about an hour to do this... and the site is back up now. We still have to go thru and replace all the core mods because they are gone now... And there are some minor things with just two of our plugins but nothing serious.
Just dont panic and dont overthink this process. I been doing this a long time and have never lost a member simply because they had to look at a white page for a while until i fixed it. So again dont panic.
1. Let your members know the site will be down for an upgrade then Backup your site, do a full backup from your cpanel.. And dont go making changes until that backup is done.
2. Turn on maintenance page via pages in admin.
3. run the list down and deactivate all plugins, yes all, everyone one of them regardless if they need update or not, when you get done deactivating there should be nothing left in active plugin (top) section.
4.. change theme to origin
4.a. you can either change your config to dev mode true and just hit f5 or cntrl f5 when on the site page or you can temporarly reactivate the cache plugin and clear it that way, then deactivate it again. This just makes sure that the template you just changed to is all cozy and warm in its place first.
5. click update (do the script first) NOT THE PLUGINS, DO THEM LATER
6. enter login info and follow the prompts. When it is done then it will say update complete, and give you a choice, of links... CHOOSE ADMIN PANEL LINK HERE..
7. turn your maintenance page back on, because the update will turn it off.
8. now activate and update the plugins, one at a time activate them and then update if it needs an update, dont get in a hurry here, one at a time right down the list, activate - update, activate - update... and so on..
IMPORTANT! when you get down to the groups, make sure you go down a few and do the FORUM FIRST then do the groups after that... The groups has to have forum available and it will tell you if you dont do it but dont wait for that... just do the forum before the groups.
Skip the profile progress bar for now, dont activate it... it is having a problem and it will give you a message... Just skipp that one.. if i figure it out i will get back to you here.
If you have the following plugins you will need to enter your license key again so make sure you have that information handy..
iptracker you will need lic key
video uploader need lic key
advanced poker need lic key
If you have the hot not plugin you will also get some warnings, they are just warnings so you can go ahead and activate and update that it is ok..
9. when you get done with the list and you have all your plugins that you want to use activated and updated then run your cache plugin again..
10. Then change your theme back to your normal theme(if origin is not it) and run the cache plugin again.
Then go to your profile... if you get a funky white page at any point wether it be on main page or any page dont worry it will come back, its just your cache and theme have not kicked in.
11. Go to your config file (do not use plugin do this manually) and turn dev mode to true... then hit f5 or cntrol f5 on the site page. then turn dev mode to false..
Log off... and close all your browsers and clear your cache. with cCleaner or whatever.
You should now get the maint page, again if you get a white page with no template dont panic... If you get the maintenance page then just to to www.yoursite.com/sign-in and you can login as admin and turn the maintenance page off..
12. Now try to activate the profile progress bar again, we did it here and now it works..
Other than replacing all the core mods you did you should be ok now... Replace your mods and your off and running.. You can run the site active until you do replace your mods depending on what they were just dont wait forever because you need to get those done.
Thats it.. congats now your totally screwed lol.... just kidding lmao its a joke... :) good job.. hee hee
Hats off to Oxwall for a great job on the update :)