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Questions/Pools plugin fails when is used in other languages | Forum

pit Feb 23 '14
I install Questions/Pools plugin for 1.6 version and when I write a question and publish (writing in my language), nothing seems writed; but if i put the system in english language, now I can see the question.

I don't use (and users too) english language in the website and I put my language by default in system but seems thant when I write something, goes to english version text.

This problem sucess with other things too and may be solved.
The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 2 '14
ross Team
ross Feb 24 '14
@but seems thant when I write something, goes to english version text.@ can you please provide more details on that?

as to the question/polls plugin issue, please contact plugin developer to solve the issue. 

pit Apr 1 '14
Ok... I think is solved. For any with the same problem.

1st. Close your session page and login up newly
2nd. Put the plugin with default language (english)
3rd. Complete the words in your language and finally, try to activate with this changes

My problem was solved with this steps.

ross Team
ross Apr 1 '14
Thank you for sharing. I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 
pit Apr 2 '14
... emmmmm...no. At last step system fails other time.

Now I try to uninstall and reinstall newly >>modifing only the default language<< to my language because in the last time, when I make a key words of my language fails.

*ross, I erased my last post and I write some lines more with a image embed explaying with all details what is my exact problem.
I don't know why it's posted now and edited but the problem it's no solved.
ross Team
ross Apr 2 '14
Pit I'm sorry I'm not following you. Is your problem with the translation of a plugin or the translation as a whole? I don't see any image in the post. Please clarify. 
pit Apr 3 '14
Ok, I try explain!

1. Install the plugin (by default)
2. Create a advertising (without packaging, without name advertise and system count [clicks, days) *In this step, I received confirmation in my personal mailbox confirmed who advert was created.
3. Make a keywords translations
4. frontpage fails. Cant load float divs (or menus like the image embed)

1. Install the plugin (by default)
2. Make a keywords translations
3. Before create any advertise, the frontpage fails. Can't load float divs... (one of this float div is when you press the button 'enter' to login and as the people can't see the login form, can't enter to the site.)

*the float divs rules fine when I disabled the AdsPro. Only affect at frontpage because in the admin panel all things rule fine (I think it's possible to affect at javascript).

Excuse me if my english it's no very good.
  _step1.png (9.08Kb)
  _step2.png (44.26Kb)
  _step3.png (23.07Kb)
  _step4.png (103.42Kb)
ross Team
ross Apr 3 '14
I'm sorry Pit, but this is also third-party plugin, you need to contact plugin developer and request to provide a fix for the issue. 
pit Apr 4 '14
Ok ross, thanks for your help and read this.

I try to contact with them. I thought they also solved the problems here in this forum.

If I resolve, I put here the result.
ross Team
ross Apr 6 '14
Ok, great