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please check the delete function in the dev-tools language. | Forum

dave Leader
dave Feb 23 '14
Team can you please check the key delete function in the dev-tools lang area, i tried to delete a key and it locked up on me twice. Just want to make sure its working on your end.. 

Thanks.. :)

ross Team
ross Feb 24 '14
Hello Dave, just did, the key has been delete without any problems. 
dave Leader
dave Feb 24 '14
ok ross thanks, i was creating a new key for the first time in dev-tools and i actually misnamed it.  in the first input i selected my plugin and in the second input i actualy put 

name of plugin + label   

not realizing that the system actually concatenated on its own. 

So it came out  key= name of plugin + name of plugin + label  then i clicked the del key and all i got was a white page almost like it could not find it and failed or maybe there were too many vars so it failed.  I had to go into the db and take out the first name of plugin. 

I am just curious why it failed because it had too many names assocated with it, what im thinking is that to keep that from happening they could filter the second input with some js so that if there is a + sign entered  in the input then the input will fail before it is saved. 

Since there are no real instructions per say, i think this might happen alot. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Feb 24 '14