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Mass Email Problems[Solved] | Forum

Peter Mar 4 '14

I have tried to add new user roles to my users although I have 1300 users mass email sends to only 340 , I have not updated to 1.6 I have tried multiple combinations and still does not add the 1100 other members any ideas?


The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 21 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 5 '14
When you select user roles, does it show you the total count of members of that user role? Can you please, enable debug mode and see whether you get any errors?
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 5 '14
Peter Mar 9 '14

Yes it shows how many users 340 but if I select any other  user roles it still has the same count

also I cannot find enable debug mode where is it?


ross Team
ross Mar 9 '14
http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug here's the tutorial. Also can you please  check with firebug console if there is any error when you select those checkboxes?
Peter Mar 20 '14

Ross the problem is I started with wall.fm then they transferred to xitti platform then xitti closed down through skalfa sent me to oxwall with stand alone host server Now I do not have the the cp panel options .Or is this in my host server panel?

Any ideas

I cant find the enable debug options

Peter Mar 20 '14

It does say though

Message:Can't generate URI! Route `dataimporter_import` not found!File:/home/picassop/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:


ross Team
ross Mar 20 '14
Yes, it might be your hosting server panel. Alright, PM me your host server access details and admin website access details, I'll take a look at the problem. 
Peter Apr 19 '14
Any help?? IM still in need of help
ross Team
ross Apr 20 '14
Peter, as I asked before PM me your admin and Cpanel access details, so I could assist you with the problem. 
Peter Apr 21 '14
PM sent
ross Team
ross Apr 21 '14
Peter, please check unapproved and unverified tabs in the Users section of your admin panel. Most of your users are there. If you approve them and verify, they will be added to the total count