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google-chrome browser people cant join [Solved] | Forum

Pete Mar 4 '14

When people sign up using google-chrome.nothing happens when people click the join button ,all that happens is the page just reapers and people have to fill it in again .no matter how many times people fill in the join page and then click join button . 



The strange thing is members can log into there account using google-chrome.browser  .but nobody can join using it

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 5 '14
Pete Mar 4 '14
I have found that a lot of people or having issue with this browser
ross Team
ross Mar 4 '14
Pete, is that domain you're referring to: http://ukadoptionregister.org/ ? I have just successfully registered at this website using Google Chrome Version 28.0.1500.71 Built on Ubuntu 13.04, running on LinuxMint 15

So we couldn't reproduce what you're talking about. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 4 '14
Pete Mar 5 '14
Thanks Ross ,it must be because I was logged in using 2 browsers
ross Team
ross Mar 5 '14
I'm going to mark this post as Solved