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Mobile | Forum

Lis Mar 7 '14
I am having trouble with the mobile version of my site. I just want to have my pages link with the site the only pages showing are news feed and photo... but when i want the blog pages or any of the other pages i cannot connect them. they just come up as blank pages. 

so i don't know if there would be a back end file i could change all of this or am i at a very long road block?

Austeyr Mar 7 '14
Photo and newsfeed are the only plugins that work on mobile right now, more will be added at a later stage.
ross Team
ross Mar 9 '14
Randell +1
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Mar 10 '14
Randell +1 due to the mobile version being in early stages and is really only a base for plugin devs to update there plugins 
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 10 '14
Yes but almost 2 months now and not one developer as made there plugin work on mobile