You should go to /groups/components/groups_widget.php file and replace this code:
if ( $this->assignList('latest', $latest) )
$this->setSettingValue(self::SETTING_TOOLBAR, $toolbars['latest']);
$menuItems[] = array(
'label' => $lang->text('groups', 'group_list_menu_item_latest'),
'id' => 'groups-widget-menu-latest',
'contId' => 'groups-widget-latest',
'active' => true
if ( $this->assignList('popular', $popular) )
$menuItems[] = array(
'label' => $lang->text('groups', 'group_list_menu_item_popular'),
'id' => 'groups-widget-menu-popular',
'contId' => 'groups-widget-popular',
'active' => empty($menuItems)
with this one:
if ( $this->assignList('popular', $popular) )
$menuItems[] = array(
'label' => $lang->text('groups', 'group_list_menu_item_popular'),
'id' => 'groups-widget-menu-popular',
'contId' => 'groups-widget-popular',
'active' => true
if ( $this->assignList('latest', $latest) )
$this->setSettingValue(self::SETTING_TOOLBAR, $toolbars['latest']);
$menuItems[] = array(
'label' => $lang->text('groups', 'group_list_menu_item_latest'),
'id' => 'groups-widget-menu-latest',
'contId' => 'groups-widget-latest',
'active' => empty($menuItems)
Then go to /groups/views/components/groups_widget.html file and find the following strings:
First string: <div class="ow_lp_groups ow_hidden" id="{$menuItems.1.contId}">
Second string: <div class="ow_lp_groups" id="{$menuItems.0.contId}">
Change the $menuItems.1.contId to $menuItems.0.contId in the fist string and $menuItems.0.contId to $menuItems.1.contId in the second string.
That's it.