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Post content only to friends? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dominik Mar 8 '14
Hello there,

i hope this is not a kind of stupid question but i'm quite new to oxwall.

Is there any possibility to make a new status update private? I.e. posting only to friends?

Thanks in advance.


Joseph Mar 9 '14
at this time there are only 2 options 1 is the main newsfeed that posts to everyone and the dashboard that only shows friends and people you follow. A great idea though maybe someone will make a plugin for this
John Mar 9 '14
Hi Dominik, Sadly the developers at Oxwall have overlooked this exceptionally important feature. The end result is that Oxwall is unsuitable for hundreds (if not 1000's) of sites that deal with adults and minors, or material that could be considered "sensitive" to some.

Here we have a site that builds on friendships, but allows everyone to read, or see everything. In other words, everyone is your friend whether you like it or not.

Oxwall have virtually built a boat without a rudder!

For Oxwall to be accepted by a vastly huger audience, they must address this problem and address it urgently.

Facebook allows you to mark everything you do as Public, Private or Friends Only. So too does Elgg, Oxwalls biggest competitor. The pity is that Elgg lets us down in other ways and with just a little tweaking on Oxwall's part it could easily become the premier social networking script. I don't think it's reached that status yet by a long shot, but it could be done very soon if the developers concentrated on these issues instead of the mobile version which is equally useless if the computer version is lacking.

There's no use asking for it to be done on the wishlist site. It's choked with Facebook emulation requests and requests for things that have already been implemented. That site needs to be cleaned up to be of any future use.


ross Team
ross Mar 10 '14
Make a suggestion on uservoice or create a post in the custom code modification section. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 10 '14
Pete Mar 10 '14
We need to just have one news feed,like the same has facebook with these privacy measures built in,so we can use on our dash and this would stop all minors from seeing all the posts.At the moment everybody can see everyones posts on your index when you use your newsfeed,if you block your forum for guests and a post comes up in news feed that's been posted on forum,guests can view it .if this was only on dash ,you can stop guests viewing everything in newsfeed,and stop all there access to your oxwall site ,that you do not want guests to view.
The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 10 '14
Dominik Mar 10 '14
Thank you for your answes. I'll probably ask for it as a feature request. But i think this is an essential feature to post updates to friends or groups only.