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Upload photos other file store server? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Stefi Mar 10 '14

 Hello.Can you tell me plss what are the chances to upload the pictures on another file storage server,like youtube,and to be able to read my server oxwall from there?

  I want to do this,because my Cpannel is limitate to 500mb/month and i will have to upload much more. I prefer to store them somewhere else,but to rule the oxwall sites from my cpannel hosting because its fast and safe,but the only problem is the date store. The choise of movie inserting from youtube it sounds good to me aswell,but it would  be better if it could upload directly the link.


    Thank you!

ross Team
ross Mar 10 '14
Have you considered using clouds: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cloud_hosting

As to this one"The choise of movie inserting from youtube it sounds good to me aswell,but it would  be better if it could upload directly the link." Please elaborate, what do you mean by uploading directly the link? Do you mean upload the video itself, not embedding it?

Stefi Mar 10 '14
I am interested how can i upload the pictures from the comments or any other image on a specialized server where to have more space.A fileserver or something like that.Is there any plugin to do this?The main point is to use the oxwall sites on hosting from now and to be able to upload my image files on another server.

About the movie,im ok in the way i upload them from youtube,but maybe it would be more easier if we could directly insert the link, not the Embed Code method which is more complicated.

ross Team
ross Mar 11 '14
It requires software optimization and customization for the userfiles and static folders to be on another server. 

As to the inserting link directly for the video to be displayed is considered as a custom code modification. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 11 '14
Stefi Mar 11 '14
I understood,thank you.But could you make this optimization at oxwall to be able to store the dates in other side the files,or could you help me please what should i do more exactly?I would like to buy much more plugins to  be able to make my comunity much more performance and this problem disturbs me. But on the other side, i find oxwall a very good solution.
ross Team
ross Mar 12 '14
I'm sorry but we do not provide such instructions. You need to find a specialist on your own, who would do that for you or look up on internet
Stefi Oct 15 '14
Hello, it is possible store photos and videos on Facebook account? Thanks!
ross Team
ross Oct 15 '14
What do you mean by Facebook account? Please elaborate what you're trying to achieve. 
Stefi Oct 18 '14
 have installed OXWALLI on a CPANEL and i have limited of space. I am intetested to be  able to storn the pictures and the videos of the users on other side on a free server for storning,to be able to upload automaticly on a facebook account for example,or the best way it would be to be able to use it in cloud mode on my own server (OWNCLOUD server)but for this i dont know what i have to modify in oxwall to be able to acces the owncloud server. Owncloud server it seems for  me the easiest way to install on a Linux Debian,and with a client under the windows it works  easy.Thank you!
ross Team
ross Oct 19 '14
You need to develop the API of this service in order to transfer files from the website to this cloud and establish connection between them. This is a paid plugin development you will need to hire a programmer to do that for you.