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Cron job not recognised in windows! | Forum

Zenun Mar 13 '14
Hello, I am having problems with Oxwall recognizing my cron job. I have created a .bat file (mycron.bat) and inserted this line of code:

start C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\php-win.exe C:\wamp\www\oxwall\ow_cron\run.php

I have created a task in windows 7, with a trigger that runs this job every minute. During the installation of Oxwall in WAMP server, I stuck on step 3. It gives me an "Could not connect to Database ". The database fields are ok as you may see in the attach (username: root, password: 'none').

The interesting fact is that I am able to install Oxwall through AMPPS but it happens something strange. First it doesn't recognize the cron job. Then after a page refresh it works fine.

Anyone has any idea how to proceed with Oxwall installation in WAMPP? (the same with XAMPP)