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Mobile option on new 1.6 version Oxwall community software not working | Forum

Divan Mar 15 '14
Was hoping that someone can explain why the mobile option is not working on Oxwall version 1.6.

It clearly shows mobile in admin configuration page and it gives you an option to add a custom mobile menu. 

any information and assistance will be greatly appreciated.
admin Mar 16 '14
yeah your right Divan I'm experiencing the same problem for my website!!! I'm pissed! If you tried visiting my site throwbackbook.com from your mobile device you will find text links without theme. Links take you nowhere! A mobile user is not able to join my site to become a member, because of this problem with oxwalls mobile software.  Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 16 '14
Check the theme you are using has mobile in it sound like u using a theme that not suport mobiles
ross Team
ross Mar 17 '14
Have you checked whether there's Mobile folder in ow_themes/theme you use/mobile ?