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Image inserting opens scrolling window | Forum

Kenneth Mar 22 '14
Not sure how this happened, Basically I put an image when you go to forums etc. If you try to insert a photograph everyone gets this scroll window. Anyone know a fix for the bug?
  image issue.png (165.88Kb)
ross Team
ross Mar 24 '14
Kenneth, seems like some third-party plugin causes that, please disable each plugin one by one and check whether the problem persists? You can PM me your admin details and I'll check the problem for you if you want me to. 
ross Team
ross Mar 24 '14
Kenneth, it appears to happen on a third-party theme, we checked that issue on default theme, there's no such, which is why you need to contact theme developer to fix this issue. 
Kenneth Mar 25 '14
Quote from ross Kenneth, it appears to happen on a third-party theme, we checked that issue on default theme, there's no such, which is why you need to contact theme developer to fix this issue. 


I am not sure if you wanted to talk with the theme creator directly. Seems to be a confusion on what is causing the issue. One thinks Oxwall the other thinks the theme. 

I don't mind what is causing it just so long as we could figure this out.