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please change your server requirements - remove your mod_rewrite requirement | Forum

Oliver Doell
Oliver Doell Apr 2 '14

when i read all the annoying issues with 500 Errors, i cant believe why the System has to build around the mod_rewrite requirement...

this keeps away a lot of possible installations...

and by the way, wordpress for example, get it managed, displaying clean URLs without that shitty mod_rewrite... 

ross Team
ross Apr 3 '14
Oliver, mod_rewrite is an essential requirement, moreover Wordpress still uses it: http://wordpress.org/about/requirements/ It is required for the dynamic websites,not just for friendly URLs. Oxwall is not a blogging software where the content is static. 

As for the installations of other copies of the software you have .htaccess file where you can use conditions to make it work together.