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users always connected although they it are not | Forum

andres Apr 14 '14

consultation it is known someone to which it owes of that my web aparescan users on line being that they are not there are always days qen that the page is connected finished and only on line 10 also and fact the proof of leaving the suspended page like that does not enter nadien but they continue aparesiendo on line 

to which it will be possible to owe this situation

Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '14
Andres, your question doesn't make sense :( . Just a guess, but check following topic: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/12138
andres May 5 '14

my query is

when a user enter after coming out of the page are as connected and the list of connected users many not coincide with reality

example aparesen 50 members online and having just 12 online actually always connected to the others though are not

I can do