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nothing happening with mobile site | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 22 '14
its been a few months now since oxwall released mobile version and not one plugin has been updated to work on mobile site 
besides a few themes that just copied and pasted the oxwall mobile pages into there themes

is it because oxwall made it to hard for developers to make there plugins work on mobile 
the mobile site is just not good enough yet for them to even bother looking at making there plugin work on mobile site 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Apr 22 '14
Hi Tammy,

One developer Purusothaman Ramanujam has already done so if you have his plugins, others i guess are just too lazy or they believe "The excuse i get everytime" if there isn't a lot of requests from Buyers or their customers they wont bother to go mobile or even update them or let alone fix glitches in their plugins.

90% of developers sell plugins that are in Beta and use our sites as testing ground and offer them for free when you have issue or tell them you want the error fixed they dont answer you unless you cry out in public and name and shame their plugins.

Once they get your complaints they will fix it and then sell it instead of giving you a free fix for the plugins.

The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Apr 23 '14
Sean Apr 22 '14
Agreed, developers need to pull their fingers out.

They knew mobile was going to be added for ages, and should have been planning a mobile release.

Absolutely disgusting. Why have a plugin that only works for now essentially half your site?

I've started to make my own version of some of these plugins (with my own additions), that also work on mobile. I don't want to be reliant on third parties any more, my site is getting too busy.

The Forum post is edited by Sean Apr 22 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 23 '14
As to the oxwall plugins, in the meantime our developers are busy with the next update of the software which also include several plugins for mobile, please follow our blog
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Apr 23 '14
+1 ross 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Apr 24 '14
+1 Ross
Quote from ross As to the oxwall plugins, in the meantime our developers are busy with the next update of the software which also include several plugins for mobile, please follow our blog

Sean Apr 24 '14
Yes, updates to the platform are welcomed, I love Oxwall, I can't imagine using anything else.

But a lot of the plugins on the store are no longer supported or developed and it's a shame as they don't take advantage of all the new features.