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Manual update to 1.6 error[Solved] | Forum

Stephanie Apr 24 '14
So I can't use the automatic updater. And so I was told to do the manual update, which I tried to do.

I followed every step, and unpacked the download in the root folder

But I'm getting this error when going to roleplaycentral.org/ow_update

and even when I just go to my site regulary roleplaycentral.org

Warning: require_once(/home/rolepla2/public_html/ow_includes/config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rolepla2/public_html/ow_includes/init.php on line 25

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/rolepla2/public_html/ow_includes/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/rolepla2/public_html/ow_includes/init.php on line 25

The Forum post is edited by ross May 1 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 27 '14
can you please provide a screenshot of a config.php file?
Stephanie Apr 29 '14
I don't see a config.php file.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Apr 29 '14

Quote from Stephanie ow_includes
Its in the ow_includes folder of your public_html

The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Apr 29 '14
Stephanie Apr 29 '14
There is no config.php in the zip I dled from the site, I know where it should be. But ti's not there.
John Apr 29 '14
There is no config.php file in the zipped upgrade. It's missing because it's an upgrade and not a new install. The upgrade only replaces files that have been changed for version 1.6, but the config.php file on you computer hasn't been changed and it contains important information about your database etc.

As Krunch has pointed out, you must go to your server (not the zip file) and locate config.php , just as Krunch has shown in his screenshot.

My guess is that you may have deleted this file from the server before replacing the new files.

If the file isn't there, you will have to add it and replace the details marked with XXXXX in lines 3 to 9 in the copy I've attached for you.

Good luck
The Forum post is edited by John Apr 29 '14
  config.zip (0.59Kb)
ross Team
ross Apr 29 '14
Krunch, John +1
Stephanie Apr 30 '14
It wasn't there, so I replaced it. Now it's just timing out when I try to run Roleplaycentral.org/ow_includes

or its still giving the same error

  Capture.PNG (265.31Kb)
  Capture2.PNG (168.69Kb)
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Apr 30 '14

Quote from Stephanie Roleplaycentral.org

http://roleplaycentral.org/oxwall seems to load fine to me..
John Apr 30 '14
It works for me too. It's also a really nice looking site.
ross Team
ross Apr 30 '14
Stephanie, clear the browser cache or try with another browser. 
Stephanie May 1 '14
Oh no. I meant the roleplaycentral.org/ow_includes to do the update. It won't run.

I was also a bit confused on which "root" to extract it to as well

There is the public_HTML root, which contains my domain and my oxwall folder

And then the oxwall installation folder, with all the site files in it.

ross Team
ross May 1 '14
you need to extract files in the oxwall installation folder then follow the tutorial: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:update
Stephanie May 1 '14
Okay, because that's what I did. And the update won't work. I can try once more. But it's not working for some reason.

ross Team
ross May 1 '14
What do you mean it won't work? Do you have some kind of an error, message? 
John May 1 '14
ow_includes will be in your oxwall folder. That's why your url is http://roleplaycentral.org/oxwall

I don't think it's a good idea to install any program in the root directory. It may contain an index or .htaccess file that could clash. Having the Oxwall directory there is fine.

Have a look at the/oxwall directory for ow_includes and copy the config there if that's what you want.

The script seems to be running perfectly and as long as it's 1.6 why do anything?
Stephanie May 1 '14
So I've uploaded the file, I extract it. Went to roleplaycentral.org/ow_includes and I just get a 404 err.
Stephanie May 1 '14
Well. I need to do this update because I have a perpetual "Hey, we have an update" warning on my admin panel. And my mobile version is absolutely terrible because it didn't update correctly.
ross Team
ross May 1 '14
Why do you call ow_includes you should go for ow_updates?
Stephanie May 1 '14
Oops. Sorry that is what I'm doing. Just typed it wrong for some reason, long day.

But still getting the error.

The Forum post is edited by Stephanie May 1 '14
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