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Advertisement plugin doesn't work[Solved] | Forum

Fibber Apr 30 '14
in my "1.6" - tried every permutation, but whenever I click "banner placement" I get a red "error" flashes up, followed by

"Page not found Sorry, this document doesn't exist"
This happens if set to "global" or if a page is selected..........

The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 30 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 30 '14
Can you please deactivate/activate plugin? Install/reinstall plugin? because we just tested everything works fine. 
John Apr 30 '14
Hi Fibber, I have it running okay, I just downloaded it and used it:

Fibber Apr 30 '14
My daft fault, uninstalled, and reinstalled - hadn't used ftp login! Now works fine
Many thanks!
ross Team
ross Apr 30 '14
Great! I'm going to mark the thread as Solved