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join url to accounttype | Forum

Marco May 8 '14

I have 3 accounttypes:
- test1
- test2
- test3

Can i let people join by an url where the accounttype selection is in the url?

www.test.com/join/test1 -> will set test1 as default accounttype
www.test.com/join/test2 -> will set test2 as default accounttype

is that possible?
ross Team
ross May 12 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Alia Team
Alia May 13 '14
Marco, Oxwall's functionality is connected to one and single join form under /join URL. Having 3 separate join forms will require changing the logic behind the whole software.

When user selects account type system pulls profile questions related to that account type, therefore one possible solution is forcing system to select certain account type by default depending on the URL. This is complex modification as well.

Why would you want to have 3 join forms? Is it related to the human factor ( users forgetting to select the account type)?