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Registration from mobile device[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Apollo D. Sharpe, Sr.
I have a site that's accessible by invitation only. When I send out invites, users can't register from a mobile device. They're immediately greeted by a login page -which they can't use, because they haven't registered. The majority of my users will be accessing my site from mobile devices, so it's paramount that I find a fix for this. I've searched for a solution to this, but I haven't been able to find one. I'm very new to running a community site & very new to Oxwall. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions?
The Forum post is edited by ross May 14 '14
ross Team
ross May 12 '14
This is how it works currently. There's no registration via mobile version, only via desktop one. 
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H May 13 '14
the join for mobile is supposed to be released with the next update 1.6.1 (which is currently in test)
Apollo D. Sharpe, Sr.
Wow, those were quick responses! Thanks, a lot! Well, I hope that testing is going well. I've committed myself & my money to Oxwall & it's plugins, so I'll ride this out & see how it goes.
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H May 14 '14
i started on oxwall's hosted solution wall.fm and moved onto oxwall and i love it and everyone are so kind
Apollo D. Sharpe, Sr.
Is there any timeline for when this update could be released? Maybe at least which quarter of the year?
ross Team
ross May 19 '14
Please follow our blog. We'll keep you all updated.