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error 500 in a new fresh instalation. | Forum

Dax Sep 2 '11
hi guys. i have the error 500 server internal error. when try to install. All files uploaded. this is happening when try to open ...install/index.php i check all requariments and are available on the server. the database is created but not configured yet at this point of the error.

any1 can suggest me what can I try to do ?
Honsa Sep 2 '11
the .htaccess file is there? mod_rewrite is working?

not first time asked:

The Forum post is edited by Honsa Sep 2 '11
Dax Sep 2 '11
non of those are the same issue. same error but diferent situation. i am no upgrading or seting up subdomauns. and dont have any db files created yet. i am in the first step of installation. were i suppouse to configure database names an pass and host. instead i got the error.
Honsa Sep 2 '11
what says your apache log?
Dax Sep 2 '11
please can you tellme how to see the apache log?
Honsa Sep 3 '11
can you use plesk or confixx, there you have a link to your hosting log file

normally it is placed in /var/log/apache2/error.log

if you dont know, ask your hosting provider
Dax Sep 3 '11
problem solved. my hosting provider told me this.In the .htaccess file located in the script folder I found the directive "Options" which is not allowed on our servers since the symlinks are already enabled by default. I have disabled it by adding the symbol # at the beginning of the line and now your script is accessible.
Honsa Sep 4 '11
ok, nice to hear
Den Team
Den Nov 21 '11
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
pooledorothyw Aug 10 '23

Encountering an "Error 500" during a fresh installation on a Legion Private Servers indicates an internal server problem that prevents proper communication between your client and the server. To troubleshoot, check the server's configuration, database setup, and ensure all necessary files are correctly in place. If the issue persists, consult the server's community or support for assistance.

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