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Session timeout for inactive users | Forum

William Quinones
William Quinones May 14 '14

I understand that some oxwall users are concerned about a lack of inactivity session timeouts. I am not a coder by any means but this code seems to work for me. feel free to use:

In the admin menu --> Settings --> main settings --> page settings

Add the following to the "Custom head code" field:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="900;url=/oxw/sign-out" />

Note:The "900" in the string above is 60 seconds x 15 minutes you can adjust the time as you see fit.

Also, I currently have my installation in a subdirectory ("/oxw/") but you may be able to remove the subdirectory if you have it in the html root directory.

Caveat: be careful in testing this out by setting the timeout too low as I learned the hard way and set it to 5 seconds and I had to login and make the change before the session timed out :)  

The Forum post is edited by William Quinones May 14 '14
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jul 24 '14

It works, but is too basic and often closes without reason. 

Especially if it is open in multiple tabs.

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 15 '14

Quote from William Quinones

I understand that some oxwall users are concerned about a lack of inactivity session timeouts. I am not a coder by any means but this code seems to work for me. feel free to use:

In the admin menu --> Settings --> main settings --> page settings

Add the following to the "Custom head code" field:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="900;url=/oxw/sign-out" />

Note:The "900" in the string above is 60 seconds x 15 minutes you can adjust the time as you see fit.

Also, I currently have my installation in a subdirectory ("/oxw/") but you may be able to remove the subdirectory if you have it in the html root directory.

Caveat: be careful in testing this out by setting the timeout too low as I learned the hard way and set it to 5 seconds and I had to login and make the change before the session timed out :)  

Seems to work Only if that person/Member left his or her browser open,
however if they Close the browser w/Out logging out they stay logged in.