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Mobile Page Not Found | Forum

Ricardo May 15 '14
Hi to all

First let me congratulate for the great work in this platafform

I'm having some issues with the mobile version, it always keep tell " Mobile page not found " and " Mobile Page not available"

I changed the theme and the message still remains the same, used the default theme, now the munchen theme. Can you help pls ? 


ross Team
ross May 15 '14
do you have mobile folder in the ow_themes/theme you use?
Ricardo May 15 '14
Yes I do Ross.
Ricardo May 15 '14
any idea what's wrong ? 


ross Team
ross May 15 '14
can you please replace mobile folder in the default theme, then enable and disable dev mode and check if the error persists?

If yes, please PM me your Cpanel access details, admin details and URL