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Can't View Uploaded Images[Solved] | Forum

Aric May 16 '14
Any image that I upload does not show.  They are in the upload folder as they should be, but are not showing on the Dashboard, nor the Main pages.  I've refreshed, tried different browsers, and cleared the cache.  No good.  I've noticed others asking similar questions, but no answers that work for me.

My site is at: http://SocialSails.com
The Forum post is edited by ross May 21 '14
ross Team
ross May 19 '14
please open your website, it's under maintenance now. By the way, can you please specify, do you uploaded or attached images and where exactly?
The Forum post is edited by ross May 19 '14
Aric May 20 '14
It is now open.  I upload using the site tools/plug in.  I tried both the Advanced and Basic uploader.  PS: The Avatars also do not show either...
ross Team
ross May 20 '14
what are the permissions of the ow_userfiles folder?
Aric May 20 '14
It and everything under it is set at 777.  The images are at 644.
ross Team
ross May 20 '14
Please read this post: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10292
Aric May 21 '14
Everything is now working.  It was the .htaccess file under "ow_userfiles" that was the problem.  Just took away the "All".  Thank you very much for your time and energy...
ross Team
ross May 21 '14
my pleasure.