Hi there,
when logged in going to upload photo's you can click on either tab 'advanced' or 'simple' upload. Using IE11 as well as using FF latest and Chrome a click on either tab opens a new tab in the browser with an empty page showing the text "this page can not be opened and res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm#" and in the address bar is says: "javascript://" in FF the address bar shows: "about:blank".
The 'old' tab in the browser where it all started IS showing the right page.
It seems as if a new tab is falsely opened and at the same time the website is showing the right form.
Since I am unable to use the forum search with IE11 I don't know whether this has already been reported as a bug.
I am using IE11 on Windows 8.1Pro, latest Oxwall with the "Facebook Next" theme and a fair amount of plugins. I have tried the default theme as well but the issue stays.