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Debug Error | Forum

Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach May 21 '14
I'm not sure what it is or how to fix it.

Message:Empty var for route provided. VarName - `username`!File:/home/roleplay/public_html/ow_core/route.phpLine:233

ross Team
ross May 21 '14
can you please make a screenshot where this error appears? I believe it is in the newsfeed and it is just a warning, which may be ignored. Please while making screenshot, please capture the post above and below this error. 
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach May 22 '14
It appears between my top rated members and Contact Me widget on the homepage. 

without error 


The Forum post is edited by Vladimir Bach May 22 '14
ross Team
ross May 23 '14
Vladimir, I will need admin access details for the website and for the Cpanel
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach May 23 '14
alright i've sent them via private message
ross Team
ross May 26 '14
I don't see this debug warning anymore, please see my PM