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news plugin | Forum

Kostia May 24 '14
Hy, just saw some plugins in the Store, but now one is connected with newsfeed..(just another simple pages with news..)

Maybe someone is working on it? 

My suggestion will be something like rss news on newsfeed with possibility to comment, like it, img.. and users could choose that they want to see on wall. ( they could choose from value, smth like city)

Kostia May 24 '14
yea..i know this one..but it is not what i am looking for ;) like one off members in reviews said, news are not showing on newsfeed..just in another simple page and some more issue
Kostia May 24 '14
i would like that news show up on newsfeed too, not only in newsfeed widget:) smth like fb. 
robi782 Sep 2 '14
it makes me sad that no news are still in stock oxwall available. :(
Kostia Sep 2 '14

Quote from robstar it makes me sad that no news are still in stock oxwall available. :(
i am searching very intensive for developer who could creat this plugin and upload it to the store,,but still no luck..:/