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Custom HTML in profiles | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Crewdog Sep 9 '11
Currently user profiles do not allow for custom html (like forum response), but this would be a nice feature.  It would be nice if Admin could add custom question with additional option...instead of simply "text", or multicheck box, etc...an additional option for "text box with custom html" so that admin could include question on profile where user could customize profile and be creative.
Den Team
Den Sep 13 '11
The only way to allow users to put some custom HTML for now - is to allow them customize their own profile. You can froze some major components on profile's page to disallow change it.
Crewdog Sep 15 '11
Thanks for the reply Addenster.

Would be nice if we could do this in a future update.  If Admin could create questions and have "WYSIWIG text box" as an additional option (in addition to text, text area, radio button, multi-text, etc.), this would be great.  Then we can allow users a place to be more creative.