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Hi there,where to edit these things?... | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Ceco Gachev
Ceco Gachev May 31 '14
Hi there,
i translated from the admin panel,but people said to me that some things still are not translated.
For example:
userx joined our site
Welcome to our new site! Feel free to participate in our community!
General Chat | Форум

That`s for now.
Thank you in advance.
Alia Team
Alia Jun 3 '14
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
ross Team
ross Jun 3 '14
Please do the search on the forum, this topic has already been discussed many times. 
Ceco Gachev
Ceco Gachev Jun 12 '14
Please be more well-intentioned. I cannot find this information. Is it so hard to just share the link with me, where is written about these phrases?
John Jun 12 '14
@Ross is correct. I've probably answered this question a dozen times.

Go to Admin/Settings/Language and enter the words or phrases you wish to alter. Keep it short to avoid mistakes or missed searches.

Don't change anything with a dollar sign in front of it. These are FIXED variables that are changed somewhere else.

Try one at a time and don't forget to flush the cache to see your changes.

Good luck

Claude Emond
Claude Emond Jun 12 '14
And what if the search doesn't bring what you need to change?

John Jun 12 '14
As I said, keep your search request short:

Welcome to our new site! Feel free to participate in our community! this will find nothing.

Welcome finds several results, one of which is what the writer wanted.

Otherwise, use Grep and do a full site search.
Claude Emond
Claude Emond Jun 13 '14
Ok, may be I'm not being clear enough, I do a search for the term Welcome, that brings me 4 results NONE of them is the one I'm looking for to edit and translate.
bobbi Jun 13 '14
welcome to our new site feel free to participate in our community i assume this is on your main page of your site to find it - it click customise this page this is a widget you can edit it as you wish or not use it at all
Claude Emond
Claude Emond Jun 14 '14
bobbi, that answer part of it, the one I'm looking for though is on the dashboard page

"Welcome to our site! Here are a few quick links that you need to start your way around:"

And it is not one of those you can find with the language page.
bobbi Jun 14 '14
just checked on my site it is the same thing customise this page,  again it is  a widget you may have to go to pages and menus  - user dashboard in your admin area and check allow users to customise this page so you can see the customise button
The Forum post is edited by bobbi Jun 14 '14
Claude Emond
Claude Emond Jun 14 '14
bobbi you're the men, that bring another question though, I can translate it now but once translated I do not have the English version anymore or is there a way to have both version of a widget and the right one is displayed depending of the users choice of language?
ross Team
ross Jun 15 '14
This is a custom code modification. 
Doug Jun 15 '14
I am trying to edit the "join" text on the splash page. All answers say to go to admin, and then languages and search for "join". I do that..and does not show up ANYWHERE! I simply want to make the font bigger as it is so small (using the "silent" theme) that is can easily be missed.

But still no clue on how to do that.
ross Team
ross Jun 15 '14
Please provide a screenshot of the splash page you're referring to. 
Klaus Jul 13 '14
no no no @John

It's different see pictures on notes

  W-E-01.png (21.27Kb)
  W-E-02.png (7.69Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
I'm sorry Klaus, I don't understand what your issue is?