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PDO/ZIP extention not installed... | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Aquillium Sep 14 '11
Hi guys,

I am stuck on the first screen of the oxwall installation, which is telling me i dont have pdo and zip extensions installed on my server.

From the hours of searching i've done i am under the impression i should have these already, and enable them via a php.ini placed inside my installation directory. My host has cpanel 11.30.3, php 5.2.17 and MySQL 5.1.57 installed.

From the main cpanel page i am able to browse the Pear extensions available but all that i have tried to install have failed or have had no effect. I was able to rectify the register globals 'off' error via the php.ini so i know that it is being recognised, but the following additional code has no effect:

extension = pdo.so
extension = pdo_sqlite.so
extension = sqlite.so
extension = pdo_mysql.so

I am also aware that these extensions should be inside my server somewhere (/php/???) but everything i have tried to download and place inside this directory has no effect. (Downloaded the pdo and zip extensions .tar from PECL)

Could someone please help me enable these extensions as i would really love to see oxwall in action.

Thank you for your time.