I know the events page title and other items are actually formulated in base.php file in the events plugin. However i added some JS in different places in the html files and i cannot seem to even see it display anywhere on events page.
this last attempt was to add it to
event/views/controllers/base_events_list.html but again it does not show even with site cache cleared both ways, via config and via cache plugin.
anyone have any clues as to what is happening here and why i cant add simple text to the top of the events page.
(my alternative i guess would be to just edit the lang file for Event and add the text after the title but that is a last resort because it could affect other pages or widgets as well)
here is what i have been trying... i did try the text without js and still nothing.
document.write("Disclaimer - Please make contact with any and all events you wish to attend and verify all information personally. All event information is created using the best information we have at the time of creation. But that information changes and we are NOT notified of that change. It is up to you and you are soley responsible for verifying any and all event data associated with any event listed.");