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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Jake Jaccard
Jake Jaccard Jun 10 '14
I used the free theme, "The New Facebook" - I had to remove one of the link buttons because the place it was taking the visitor was under construction, so instead of just killing the link in the button, I deleted it. 

Later when I wanted to re-recreate it, and saved it, unfurtunately it  no longer shows in that theme. If I change the them to another, then it shows; what is going on and how can I get it back in the Facebook like theme. It's probably a simple fix, and hope the theme was made by your foundation. Please let me know. Thanks. Jake Jaccard, Web Tender. BTW, I changed the Header File to reflect our use and needs. Besides, we don't want to get in trouble with Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.

ross Team
ross Jun 10 '14
Please revert the changes you made and enable dev mode, then refresh page. 
Jake Jaccard
Jake Jaccard Sep 25 '14
Please explain how to "enable dev mode" - I tried that in config.php in includes, and that did not work for me. Hmmm, I wonder what I am doing wrong. 

This system is fairly easy to do a website using oxwall, however you need to be more specific when talking to non-programmers or people with L.D. issues. (me) ha ha. Thanks.


Jake Jaccard
Jake Jaccard Sep 28 '14
Thank you Ross for all your help!

by the way, I learned that a member was having a registration issue because he was using his email address as a user name like Facebook does. Is there some way we can allow email addresses in User names? It would probably settle 50% of the issues with logging in for these folks. Any again, Thanks.


tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 28 '14
facebook does not use email as user name 

but to login the site can use username or email
Jake Jaccard
Jake Jaccard Sep 28 '14
I tried to register an account using my email address to test whether I could use it or not, and I get the notice "please fill out the form properly" or something like that. I know FB does, because I sign in with  my email. I will try logging into my OXWALL and see if I can.



tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 28 '14
Yes u can login to oxwall and Facebook but Facebook and oxwall and every other site will not let u use a email as username
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
Jake, this is a custom code modification to use an e-mail in the username field. As a username is used in the URL it can cause issues, as the special characters will be transformed into mnemonics, and some browsers can't handle them properly. 
Jake Jaccard
Jake Jaccard Sep 30 '14
Ross/Tammy... I decided to just forget this issue, and tell my future users to NOT use the email as a username. I know that some sites ask only for email addresses for username, but this is not an issue - once i make a statement in the Registration area to NOT use their email as a username. 

