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featured photo | Forum

Anas mansour
Anas mansour Jun 10 '14
is there a way to make the featured button in " photo plugin" show just the photos that the member marked them as featured ?? not from all members ?
ross Team
ross Jun 10 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Anas mansour
Anas mansour Jun 22 '14
no one ???
Alia Team
Alia Jun 27 '14
Arch, I didn't understand  your question...
In Oxwall only admin (or moderators with admin rights) can mark the photo as featured.

So it is unclear what you meant by " show just the photos that the member marked them as featured". Can you provide more details?
Anas mansour
Anas mansour Jun 27 '14
i want members to add image to favorite menus
every member can create his own favorite menu
is this possible ?
Alia Team
Alia Jul 1 '14
Arch, it is possible, but requires introducing new methods/variables from scratch and you will need to edit almost each file within the "Photo" plugin. If you are not a developer yourself I recommend finding one at Oxwall Market.