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Segomarus Sep 18 '11
Hi Oxwall developers,

your social script is great but I do not like the updates ;)

Updates change the own design the most time, cause not everything is in the CSS file of a theme. Sometimes you will find CSS commands in some files of the script or ie. I delete some things in the header section :)

Maybe it would be a better idea if there can be made a difference between design and script. If there are no chances for this it would be better to attach a documentation for each update that theme developers of there own sites know what are the changes. If I would know this I would only update these sections.

Once again your script is really good and I would prefer going online with this community script until November.


Den Team
Den Sep 19 '11
Hello Alex. 
Oxwall was specially designed and created with separating code and design. The best way to save all your theme's customizations is to make all these  modifications in the theme's custom CSS. Just overwrite default CSS with yours in Admin Panel->Appearance->Edit Theme->CSS
We prepare such manual, how to create/customize your theme and don't lost all you changes after update. This manual will be published soon :)