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Is Oxwall a bad software! or Arvixe which is a slow server! | Forum

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Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Jun 11 '14

Yes, one has to ask the questions, because whether you're stripping away the plugin, so you do not serve especially on the go! I have spread my plugin on three different "Personal" servers at Arvixe. My conclusion is again considering I sosialtnett.org and cut out completely, because it is too slow. forum groups.org goes strangely enough much better! but as slow as wiki-news.info 

Is it Oxwall, Arvixe or plugins is faulty! I wonder. 

I think again, you could very well create its own website on Arvixe servers, but some Oxwall should be avoiding at Arvixe. My experiences are; slow access, often recurring problems, error, etc. They have a very good support and has one great smile! but I do not smile. Are more tired of poor quality.

Pete Jun 11 '14
take alook at my oxwall website and judge the speed of my website,  and then you well get a better understanding if it is your hosting that is at fault    http://ukadoptionregister.org     I am on shared webhosting
The Forum post is edited by Pete Jun 11 '14
bobbi Jun 11 '14
my site is hosted with arvixe business class, i find the load speed no different as to when i had my site with paul cuffe on vps

have you checked your server stats i find this invaluable, www.stats.servername.arvixe.com replace servername with the name of your server, if the load is high then of course it will affect your site speed if your server is at high load open a ticket with arvixe
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Jun 11 '14

Has opened too many ticket for that i think it works. 

Very fast if using "www.stats.servername.arvixe.com ". Well, then, it is the Oxwall is bad software, or!

Pete, how many plugin is installed on your Oxwall installation?

The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Jun 11 '14
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Jun 11 '14
The real story of Arvixe and Oxwall! briefly explained

bobbi Jun 11 '14
what is the name of your server you will find it in your c panel, if the server load goes to high then that error will occur i had the same thing on the server i used to be on, the server name will be a animal if linux plan

bobbi Jun 11 '14
ok i see why you have the error
i found your server

09:32:31 up 23 days, 6:07, 0 users, load average: 74.99, 54.59, 45.80

the server load is too high, you need to open a ticket with arvixe then and their technicians will fix it, it is not a oxwall thing

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Jun 11 '14
This I have pointed out time and again for them, but have probably given up, then the only refferer to my website, blah, blah, blah

They believe you should remove both the one and the other page. I do not think it helps and remove the installation on this fucking server, the same problem anyway.

The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Jun 11 '14
Michael Carr
Michael Carr Jun 11 '14

I apologize for the issue, I am reviewing your support ticket now and will have further updates for you soon, please respond back tome there if needed. 

ross Team
ross Jun 11 '14
Ketil, please let us know what the reply was from Arvixe. Then we'll proceed with your case. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 11 '14
Pete Jun 12 '14
Ketil  I have about ten plugins installed on my oxwall
Arvand Jun 12 '14

I believe the issue is the server you are on. Please email mgmtstaff .at. arvixe.com and we can work with you to move you to a server where we have the latest enhancements made to increase site speed. About 30% of our servers (and those we place new customers on) have the new CloudLinux operating system which perform very well. There are a lot less servers in Europe which is probably why you were placed on this server. We can move you to a server in Europe that has the new OS.

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Jun 13 '14
Last time you made ​​such a move, I had to reinstall everything, no thanks.

Also, I chose a server from Europe when I buy. Why have I not?

Well, more one ten plugin can not be installed on Oxwall, otherwise it will be significantly slow. Something people should know before they get started with and purchase the plugin. Here I've thrown a lot of money out the window.

The Forum post is edited by Ketil Ervik Jun 13 '14
  b0221.gif (45.94Kb)
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 14 '14
Arvixe is usually pretty quick to help if you are having issues with speed. 
TBird Jul 16 '14
Arvixe is slow and they blame the customer. I left them.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jul 20 '14
I am having a very positive long term experience with Arvixe and Oxwall. Sure there have been bumps in the road here and there but that happens everywhere.  It is how a company handles those bumps that defines them.

Oxwall 1.7 seems notably faster to me as well.  I believe that Oxwall did a great job (those who know me know that I would say so if it were not the case) this time, though something still needs to be done to alert newbies to the fact that they need to deactivate their plugins before updating their core and then add and update the plugins one at a time for a trouble free experience.

I believe that Arvixe is the best choice and I have tried quite a few different ones (that I will not name because they were honorable and refunded me).
Steve http://tinyurl.com/coolhost

ross Team