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Membership level plugin is total junk no refund ...5th world customer service. - Membership Level | Forum

Peter Jun 17 '14
I got 3 of your plugins, 2 of them including Membership level did not work.
I would be better off writing my own. Your customer service is pathetic
and attitude even worse. On principle I think basic decency should call for refunding when someone busy several of your plugins and returns 2 not working.
The 3rd I had to tweak to get it working decent.

Purusothaman Ramanujam

I believe this is your first message to me.. So what made you to think bad of my customer service? ALL know about my service..

What are your problems.. and what doesn't work? It's of no issue if you just say useless comments. Please provide constructive feedback.

If there are issues or bugs, I wil fix. Else I will provide 100% refund.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Without providing any information on the issue, its unfair to ask for refund. PayPal thought the same.

Provide me the list of issues.. If I see them as issue, no question asked for refund. Without that, please stop providing meaningless comments.
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