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Oxwall Custom 500 Error Page | Forum

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jun 19 '14
Hi All,

Does anyone know how i can make a Custom 500 Error page with an image instead of getting this one on oxwall ?


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body style="font:18px Tahoma;"> Error 500<br />Internal Server Error. </body> </html>
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 20 '14
you have the html in front of you rewrite it to what you want
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jun 20 '14
Hi Tammy,

I tried that but instead of showing the image it will show a raw HTML not rendering the image
Quote from Tammy you have the html in front of you rewrite it to what you want

ross Team
ross Jun 23 '14
please provide the HTML code you used?
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jun 27 '14
Hi Ross,

Here is the Code attached
The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Jun 27 '14
  Error Page Code.txt (3.16Kb)
ross Team
ross Jun 29 '14
Webster is this how it is supposed to look like? 

I just replaced the content of the current 500.phtml file . and this is what I got. Can you please make a screenshot how it looks on your website? 

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 1 '14
Well see : http://www.myvirgo.info/500.phtml

I get a raw HTML rendered :(
ross Team
ross Jul 1 '14
and the original html renders well?
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 2 '14
Yes if i use an editing HTML software on my PC like NVU when i click Preview online
ross Team
ross Jul 2 '14
No I mean if you go http://www.myvirgo.info/500.phtml with the default content?
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 3 '14
It renders raw HTML
The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Jul 3 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 3 '14
seems like phtml extension cannot be rendered by Apache, contact your hosting provider to resolve the issue.