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permission question [Solved] | Forum

Jochen Jun 21 '14
Hi all,  I just installed the latest version 1.6.0 .
All is working fine so far, but:

I set up two further user roles (see attached file) and set their user-permissions.

Now two questions:

a) how can I move a registered user to one of the new created user-roles ?


b)  me, as logged in admin cannot view any userprofile. What did I do wrong ?

I get the standard warning  "You are not allowed to view profiles"

So:What did I do wrong ?

Thanks in advance, br, Jochen

The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 27 '14
  userrolreJPG.JPG (42.45Kb)
ross Team
ross Jun 23 '14
- You will need to go to his/her profile and change the role there. 

- probably you are the user role which is not allowed to view profiles, check your permissions, whether you're allowed to do that

Jochen Jun 27 '14
Hi Ross,

thank you for your answer, it works, - I just wondered that myself as admin could not view profiles right after a user registered. Fo any reason which I really could not figure out yet it is working meanwhile.

br, Jochen
ross Team
ross Jun 27 '14
Great, I'm going to mark this post as Solved, then.