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Notification on group newsfeed [Answered] | Forum

Simone Jun 23 '14

have anyone not receive notification when someone write to your group's newsfeed like user's profile?


1) user1 write on newsfeed of profile's users2

2) user2 receive notification that user1 writes on own newsfeed

but in group..

1) user1 write on newsfeed of group's users2

2) user2 doesn't receive notification that user1 writes on own group newsfeed

Am I the only one that have this issue?

Thank you,


The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 24 '14
ross Team
ross Jun 23 '14
There's no such a notification. You can check the list here: www.domain.com/email-notifications ;
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 24 '14
ross  what is the follow button for then on groups pages 
on click follow that group you should get notifications of what happens in that group
ross Team
ross Jun 24 '14
When you follow the group, you'll get the activity of group forum in your dashboard, no notification. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 24 '14
thanks ross

ross Team
ross Jun 24 '14
Follow is a newsfeed feature, if you disable newsfeed plugin, you'll remove that button
Ash Jul 3 '20

Is there any trick if we can set dashboard newsfeed activity as email alerts?