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Event plugin giving 500 | Forum

Leonard Sep 26 '11
On our website the Event plugin gives always a 500 error. No extra information is given when I set the debug mode on:http://www.vriendschapgezocht.nu/eventsI did a de-activation/activiation. Uninstalled it and uploaded the plugin again, nothing seems to help (actually makes it worse, it started with only a 500 when you opened an event, now the eventlist doesn't even work anymore).I hope somebody has a suggestion
The Forum post is edited by Leonard Sep 26 '11
Den Team
Den Sep 26 '11
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Den Team
Den Sep 26 '11
Would you check your Apache error log file for 500 internal error? There must be an actual reason of this error. Typically, it can be some of security filters installed. 
Leonard Sep 26 '11
Thank you for your advice, now I found the actual error:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method FRIENDS_BOL_Service::findUserFriendsInList()
Hopefully somebody knows where to go from hereIt happens on line 193 of init.php of the Friends(!) plugin
The Forum post is edited by Leonard Sep 26 '11
Den Team
Den Sep 26 '11
Would you manually update your friends plugin? 
Leonard Sep 26 '11
Thank you that is indeed the solution. Although I don't understand where it came from, I upgraded all plug-ins last week. So it isn't a new version or something.
Thank you for your quick help
Den Team
Den Sep 27 '11
If manual update will not help you, then send me your FTP/phpMyadmin/Site admin details. Our dev team will take a look at this.