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Unistall plugin via URL [Solved] | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14

Hi, I installed the TopLink plugin and in a field, where apparently only text was allowed, I placed ome HTML code...

now my site is compkletely inaccessible, also the admin section.

Can anybody tell me how I can uninstall the plugin? I am thinking of an URL like this:


Each plugin has an uninstall button, so I guess what I need is the URL of that uninstall button. I hope that putting that URL in m ybrowser I can uninstall the plugin...

Or would it be enough to delete the plugin folder via FTP ?

Thank you for any help - and pardon me for my stupidity of using HTML code  in the first place...

The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 26 '14
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14

the link should be like:


but thats not enough, probably I need some query to add...

Who can help me? 

Sean Jun 26 '14
Go to your base_plugin table in your DB and set `isActive` for that plugin to false. Make the changes you need to the plugin files, the re-enable.
The Forum post is edited by Sean Jun 26 '14
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14

Thank you! That did it of course, just using phpMyAdmin and I am settled :)

Great !

Sean Jun 26 '14
You're welcome :)
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14

unfortunately, whe desactivated, I cannot change/repair any settings, that is only possible when activated. And I cant even uninstall it because that too is only possible when activated.

But when I activate the plugin, immediately it destroys again my whole site layout so tat I cant do anything...

Do you think a NEW install (upload and new install) will help?

Sean Jun 26 '14
Enable debug mode in your /includes/config.php file

That will give you details on exactly what's causing the error.

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14

I just looked in the tables created by the plugin for the bad entry (where i had put the html code) and changed that entry to simple text - now everything is fine.

Thanks God for phpMyAdmin :)

Sean Jun 26 '14
I'm glad you got it sorted.