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Theme: Aerial: Airplane image: "Main" Tab | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Mike Sep 29 '11

The airplane image appears on all tabs except the "Main" tab which has a URL of: http://hockeypen.com/index -- I think you need to login to see this tab.

I've seen other sites using this theme and the image remains on all tabs including the "Main" tab.

What can I do to make the image stay?

Mike Oct 12 '11
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Den Team
Den Oct 12 '11
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Mike Oct 12 '11
Okay, it was moved but might you have an answer?
Max Oct 12 '11
The airplane is displayed on my computer on all tabs, including Main...
Mike Oct 12 '11
When logged into the site and the main tab is clicked is when the plane goes away. It is very strange.
Max Oct 12 '11
Solved : The airplane disappeared only for admin.. Strange..
Mike Oct 12 '11
Max helped figure out this problem.

The issue only occurs when an admin is logged in, it appears to be fine when other users (non-admins) are logged in.

Thanks Max!
Mike Oct 12 '11
Note: We did not do anything to change this behavior, at this point I deem this not an issue as I'm not concerned with this type of behavior for an admin.

The reason this is/was an issue to begin with is that the plane icon is changing to a phone number with a bit of custom css work and I did not wish the number to disappear.