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need assistente for Oxwall 1.7 message plugin | Forum

Simone Jul 9 '14

i have upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7.

all comes Good but my site now is Very slow. 

The problem is message plugin, with it enabled,  my vps cpu go to 100% (i have Quad Core and 1,5gb of ram). 

i want a programmer to find error on my site. 

ill pay him. 

thank you 

ross Team
ross Team
ross Jul 9 '14
Can you provide us with the query logs, so we could find out the reason, because everything works fine on our demo and test websites?
Joseph Jul 9 '14
you dont have a lot of users on your demo and test sites you need more people to stress test these plugins but you wont let anyone outside of developers help with beta
Simone Jul 9 '14
ok ill send it asap
Simone Jul 9 '14

i have start mysql log so i can attach log later...

I have another problem in chat...is it normal this screen?

i have 2 online user but chat says me that there are 8 user online...

thank you

  chat1.jpg (17.43Kb)
Jozef Jul 9 '14
Pobably related it with first problem, I have both of these problems, I had to disabled plugin, I hope this can be resolved...
ross Team
ross Jul 9 '14
Simone, please PM me your admin details and domain name. 
Simone Jul 9 '14

Quote from ross Simone, please PM me your admin details and domain name. 
Ok I have sent it
ross Team
ross Jul 9 '14
Simone, I see your website has no Oxwall attribution link and I can't find you among the members who are eligible to remove that link. Please restore your link first, then we'll proceed with your case. 
Simone Jul 9 '14

Quote from ross Simone, I see your website has no Oxwall attribution link and I can't find you among the members who are eligible to remove that link. Please restore your link first, then we'll proceed with your case. 
ok i've done it
The Forum post is edited by Simone Jul 9 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 9 '14
Simone, can you please provide us with your Cpanel access details and FTP access details? We'd like to take a closer look at the problem. 

However I still cannot reproduce the issue with the count of online members in the chat. There are three members in the chat and it shows 3. 

TimoViBritannia Jul 9 '14
when you found a solutin i have the same problem :(
The Forum post is edited by TimoViBritannia Jul 9 '14
Simone Jul 9 '14

Quote from ross Simone, can you please provide us with your Cpanel access details and FTP access details? We'd like to take a closer look at the problem. 

However I still cannot reproduce the issue with the count of online members in the chat. There are three members in the chat and it shows 3. 

ok I have sent it...
Simone Jul 9 '14
My vps goes down but i have managed hosting so my programmers found the problems:


OK that was the problem. you ran out of disk space. 

Most likely it will happen again because I think your /var/log directory is fillling up with error messages relating to the Oxwall upgrade.

root@cenexvps [/home/cenex]# du -hs /var/log/*
4.0K /var/log/anaconda.ifcfg.log
24K /var/log/anaconda.log
32K /var/log/anaconda.program.log
152K /var/log/anaconda.storage.log
52K /var/log/anaconda.syslog
64K /var/log/anaconda.xlog
4.0K /var/log/anaconda.yum.log
28M /var/log/audit
388K /var/log/bandwidth
8.0K /var/log/boot.log
68M /var/log/btmp
112M /var/log/btmp-20140701
19M /var/log/chkservd.log
8.0K /var/log/ConsoleKit
4.4M /var/log/cpanel-install.log
392K /var/log/cron
792K /var/log/cron-20140615
800K /var/log/cron-20140622
792K /var/log/cron-20140629
800K /var/log/cron-20140706
960K /var/log/dcpumon
28K /var/log/dmesg
28K /var/log/dmesg.old
324K /var/log/dracut.log
1.2M /var/log/exim_mainlog
500K /var/log/exim_mainlog-20140615.gz
136K /var/log/exim_mainlog-20140622.gz
132K /var/log/exim_mainlog-20140629.gz
308K /var/log/exim_mainlog-20140706.gz
0 /var/log/exim_paniclog
4.0K /var/log/exim_paniclog-20140615.gz
4.0K /var/log/exim_paniclog-20140622.gz
4.0K /var/log/exim_paniclog-20140629.gz
4.0K /var/log/exim_paniclog-20140706.gz
24K /var/log/exim_rejectlog
16K /var/log/exim_rejectlog-20140615.gz
12K /var/log/exim_rejectlog-20140622.gz
8.0K /var/log/exim_rejectlog-20140629.gz
4.0K /var/log/exim_rejectlog-20140706.gz
12K /var/log/lastlog
0 /var/log/lfd.log
4.0K /var/log/lfd.log-20140706.gz
1.4M /var/log/maillog
2.8M /var/log/maillog-20140615
2.7M /var/log/maillog-20140622
2.7M /var/log/maillog-20140629
8.1M /var/log/maillog-20140706
876K /var/log/messages
1.1M /var/log/messages-20140615
1.1M /var/log/messages-20140622
2.9M /var/log/messages-20140629
3.0M /var/log/messages-20140706
7.3G /var/log/mysqld.general.log
17G /var/log/mysqld.slow.query.log
2.5G /var/log/nginx
32K /var/log/quota_enable.log
20M /var/log/sa
8.0K /var/log/samba
9.8M /var/log/secure
20M /var/log/secure-20140615
13M /var/log/secure-20140622
21M /var/log/secure-20140629
26M /var/log/secure-20140706
0 /var/log/spooler
0 /var/log/spooler-20140615
0 /var/log/spooler-20140622
0 /var/log/spooler-20140629
0 /var/log/spooler-20140706
0 /var/log/tallylog
212K /var/log/wtmp
4.0K /var/log/xferlog.offset
4.0K /var/log/xferlog.offsetftpsep
40K /var/log/yum.log

See the very large ones relating to mysqld I will reduce these in size but it will likely happen again at about this time tomorrow.


SET timestamp=1404938490;
SELECT * FROM `ow_base_user_online` WHERE `userId` IN ('540');
# User@Host: cenex_sw444[cenex_sw444] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 0.000185 Lock_time: 0.000090 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0
SET timestamp=1404938490;
SELECT * FROM ow_privacy_action_data WHERE `userId` IN('540') AND `key` IN('base_view_my_presence_on_site');
# User@Host: cenex_sw444[cenex_sw444] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 0.000389 Lock_time: 0.000156 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0
SET timestamp=1404938490;
SELECT * FROM `ow_mailbox_message` WHERE `conversationId`=0 ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;

this is the error message that is filling up. it fills up at a rate of 10 MB a second.


Ok but oxwall is always slow...

bobbi Jul 9 '14
i noticed on the oxwall demo site that it has 32 members showing in the chat but i was the only one online surely that cant be right all  of the 32 members the demo site has showing in the chat but none are on line so therefore unavailable to chat  this doesnt look right to me is this how it is for other site which have updated (i havent yet and wont be until the cpu issue is resolved)
see the screen shot,

Kostia Jul 9 '14
1) plugins - mailbox - settings - don`t select that box 'show all members'

2) cron job 

Simone Jul 9 '14
now i'm going to post mysql log
Simone Jul 10 '14
the log's file is 1,3gb XD I can't attach it here 
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
Simone, please give us sometime are our developers are taking care of the issue. I'll reply soon. 
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