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Photo album pagination!? | Forum

Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Jul 9 '14
How do I turn pagination in an album?
I have 1000 photos in an each album - if you want to see photos of 600, 700, how?? Paging is absolutely necessary!
Please help!

This continuous photos loading is absolute crap!!

Daniel Jul 9 '14
I have to agree on this, so-called endless pagination is a bad idea in any situation, on any site. There are many downsides to it, and literally not a single advantage – the only reason sites are implementing it is because it's a trend, and other sites do it too. People sometimes cite mobile accessibility as a reason. But every problem with endless pagination is twice as big a problem on mobile devices.

It shouldn't be too hard to implement this as an option. If we get word that nothing official is planned, I might just modify the photos plugin myself and provide a patch for others who are interested.
The Forum post is edited by Daniel Jul 9 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Alia Team
Alia Jul 11 '14
Furyan Satoo, try comparing  and integrating photo.php  and photo_list.php files from the old version which contained paging with the files from 1.7. But we don't recommend doing so, since most likely you will have to redesign whole photo plugin as an end result.

What about just limiting amount of photos per almbum to reasonable number? In this case to add more photos users will have to create new albums.

It would also be great if you suggested this to our Uservoice at http://oxwall.uservoice.com/
Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Jul 11 '14
thank you for reply.
I have to accept this version (I'm not a programmer), until someone writes a new and better plugin for photo gallery.

Have a nice day, FS