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Bug in messages plugin | Forum

Tiwakar Jul 9 '14
i upgrade oxwall 1.7 and installed messages plugin. When i activate messages plugin my site going to load very slow, it will take to load each page for 4 min and after loading it will shoeing 200 error code. 

when deactivate this plugin it will work normally. please suggest asap.

ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
what kind of hosting plan do you have? how many users are there on your website? how many active users? how many online users?
Tiwakar Jul 10 '14
i am using business plan which is equal to vps and i have 26000 users, online users is 90. but my site well worked before upgrade message plugin. something problem in latest messages plugin.
The Forum post is edited by Tiwakar Jul 10 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
The update with the fixes for mailbox plugin is now in the store it should show up in your admin panel within next 24 hours. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 10 '14
Tiwakar Jul 10 '14
same issue. messages plugin eat up more resources. look at urself on ur demo site. it also worked little bit slow. i rollback previous plugin. please suggest