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Photo's Full-Screen view messed up... [Solved] | Forum

Hybrid Jul 9 '14
I am not sure who to contact on this one, so I'll just post it here.  I apologize if it's not in the correct category.

I am having issues with my photos - more specifically when you click the "Full-Screen" view button and again when exiting Full-Screen...

I have some images to help you see what is going on - I hope they are clear enough to see the issues with this.

image2 is correct - once clicked on any image in the photos page, this appears and looks correct.

image4 is messed up...if on that same image (or any image at that matter), and click the "Full-View" or "Full-Screen" option, it gets all sorts of messed up...It's kind of hard to tell, but the image moves over to the right for some odd reason, and it's technically not in Full-Screen

image6 is also messed up...if you try to exit the Full-Screen view, everything seems messed up and not the way it should appear (like image2) if you exit the full-screen.

Is this a matter for the "Photos" plugin?  Or does this sync up with all the core/photo updates made to v1.7?

The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 11 '14
  Image2.png (1419.69Kb)
  Image4.png (1102.41Kb)
  Image6.png (1195.35Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
Hybrid is it Darklets? have you updated this theme?
Hybrid Jul 10 '14
No, it is the Minimalistic-Dark theme.
alex castillo
alex castillo Jul 10 '14
I have the same problem with the template Facebook GO- responsive updated
Hybrid Jul 10 '14
Would it be the theme needing updated then?

ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
Of course, all themes must be 1.7 compatible. Please check the features on compatible or default themes, please. 
alex castillo
alex castillo Jul 10 '14
update the template (Facebook GO- responsive) to 1.7 and everything worked fine for a few hours, but then showed the error publish it here..


Pete Jul 10 '14
there is going to be an update for the photo plugin in the next 48 hours,which hopefully well fix most of the problems 
Hybrid Jul 10 '14

Quote from Pete there is going to be an update for the photo plugin in the next 48 hours,which hopefully well fix most of the problems 
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
So, have you updated your plugin? Do you still have the error?
Pete Jul 11 '14
Is this update going to be avil in admin Ross ?
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
Yes, it should appear there or you can do that manually. 
Pete Jul 11 '14
Thanks Ross ,
Hybrid Jul 11 '14
It seems to be working okay.

However, photos that are uploaded via comments/status/newsfeed seem to be having some issues...

ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
What issues?
Hybrid Jul 11 '14
Again, it may be an issue with this theme: Minimalistic - Dark

Upper right hand corner where the settings is - isn't displayed correctly....and sometimes when I go into Full-View, it doesn't always work...

The Forum post is edited by Hybrid Jul 11 '14
  Image2.png (184.44Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
Have you checked the same issue on default theme?
Kostia Jul 11 '14
The same problem.. OW Visuals tried to fix it on theme makeing bigger popup page, it helpped on the one hand but as you can see from pic what heppens..

edited:  tested on deffault theme. Everything is fine. 

The Forum post is edited by Kostia Jul 11 '14
  1-img.png (166.55Kb)
  2-img.png (68.71Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
Well, that is the problem with the third-party theme you need a designer to fix it. 
Hybrid Jul 11 '14
10-4 good buddy ;)
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