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Adapt 1.5 theme to 1.7 | Forum

Omari Jul 10 '14
Hi can anyone tell me what i need to add or subtract and the classes that need to be changed to use my 1.5 theme properly with 1.7 version. I want to use the 1.7 mobile layout and may want to config it a bit as well. Thanks.
Alia Team
Alia Jul 11 '14
Omari, just get any updated theme developed by Oxwall Software and compare it to the old version of the same theme. You will see which changes were done and you will be able to apply them to your own theme.

Omari Jul 11 '14
ok Alia thanks. is it changed in sections, or have div classes and ids changed? I'm looking for some documentation on this but not able to find it.