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Email sending is not working | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Faruk Jul 15 '14

My site is not sending e mail. 

Smtp setting test;

Thank you.

ross Team
ross Jul 15 '14
Looks like you're using incorrect details, please check again
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 16 '14
the port is wrong 
Faruk Jul 16 '14
Now everything is ok but email not sending

ross Team
ross Jul 17 '14
please check ow_base_mail table when you send those e-mails, are there any?
ben Jul 17 '14
email notification not send at all, automatically or immediately are same not send.

no problem with email registration
The Forum post is edited by ben Jul 17 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 17 '14
because e-mail registration goes directly to your mail server, and e-mail notifications are sent via cron, check if your cron is properly configured
ben Jul 18 '14
i didnt change my cron path ross, before 1.7 always sending email now no email notification
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '14
enable debug mode and go to www.domain.com/ow_cron/run.php and check if you get any errors?
ben Jul 18 '14
blank nothing
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '14
One last thing, can you please send test mass mailing and see if you get an e-mail?
ben Jul 18 '14
email reset password working, should i continue to mass mailing
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '14
no, please share your URL
ben Jul 18 '14
is that not enough? what are you trying to looks
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '14
actually I will need ftp access details as well, to look into the files, please PM me
ben Jul 18 '14
sorry ross i cant let anyone entering my system, im very stupid and my knowledge are limited if someone change my configuration and i didnt know about that i can lost in the jungle

what file that you need i can give it to you,
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '14
I'm not going to change anything, unfortunately I cant' help you without the access to the files and website
ben Jul 18 '14
ross, mass mailing are working fine
ross Team
ross Jul 20 '14
Ben, I already noted I need admin and FTp access details, otherwise I won't be able to assist you. 
Faruk Jul 21 '14
i dont understand. If i provide control panel and admin panel access details, can you check for me 
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