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1.7 mobile bug | Forum

JB Tech (FoxTechs)
JB Tech (FoxTechs) Jul 16 '14
There is a problem with the mobile website sign in and javascript.

If you visit the mobile website while not signed in the following happens:

Filling in your details and hitting "Sign in" does NOTHING. You have to reload many times until you are finally in.

If you hit "SIGN IN" and then try to use a menu icon to open menus, it does not open up.

Images/custom fonts don't load.

You can try out my problems at http://weeshare.ws/mobile-version

Please fix this as soon as quick, thanks! I plan on releasing the site in mid-August so this needs to be fixed.

JB Tech (FoxTechs)
JB Tech (FoxTechs) Jul 16 '14
Just another note,

The problems don't occur when viewing the mobile site on desktop, but only on my phone. My phone is a LG Optimus Logica Android 2.2 with the default Android browser.

ross Team
ross Jul 16 '14
Fox, something is wrong on your side, the menu images and fonts are properly displayed, I joined your website via desktop  version and then signed in via mobile, everything works as it should be. See screenshots

JB Tech (FoxTechs)
JB Tech (FoxTechs) Jul 16 '14
Might be my internet connection on my phone, as it's throttled to a very slow speed thus could be making the scripts and images load incorrectly.

Thanks ross.

ross Team
ross Jul 16 '14
actually the website is very slow